Hi, I'm Yvonne! Thank you for visiting my website. I'm a former international professional tennis player who discovered yoga and meditation during my tennis career. It gives me great joy to teach these practices to adults, athletes and children. I do my very best to guide my students through these practices, helping them discover ways to feel better in body and mind. As well as running live, in person and online, yoga & meditation classes, I offer private one2one mental game consultations for sports people, where I share practices and methods to help athletes manage the mental game challenges better and cope with the stresses and demands of modern day sport. I run workshops in sports clubs on the mental game where I introduce the concept of mindfulness to help with emotional management, concentration and confidence. I also have online on-demand offerings/resources for athletes and non-athletes to help with developing their own practices at home. You can see more on these online offerings below...

Meditation is a mental practice that involves calming and focusing the mind to bring about a heightened state of awareness.
This can be practiced in a variety of ways. Focusing attention on a single object, either internally or externally, or by paying attention to the present moment and it's physical and mental sensations.
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